Keynoting the North East Region Indiana Association for the Education of Young Children Conference

Marie Masterson to Keynote the North East Region of the Indiana Association for the Education of Young Children Conference, Ivy Tech Community College, Fort Wayne, Indiana - Saturday. October 5, 2019
Saturday Keynote: 8:15-10:00 AM, Title - Powerhouse Positive Guidance: Turning Around Behavior Struggles and Empowering Your Most Rambunctious, Challenging, Sensitive, and Vulnerable Children with Competence for Success
Description - Revitalize your daily interactions with children and families with research-based, development-fostering strategies that boost language skills, strengthen social-emotional competence and increase self-directed behavior regulation. Meet children’s unique needs with resilience-promoting, child-centered guidance.
Saturday Morning Breakout Session: 10:15 – 11:30 AM, October 5, 2019 Title – Let’s Talk Toddlers: Strengthening Development, Competence, and Learning
Description – This session will zero in on the daily experiences of toddlers and will help you understand what they need to thrive. Bring your questions about behavior and learning to receive answers for specific challenges and situations unique to your setting.