See the current calendar of Dr. Masterson's events below.
Invite Dr. Masterson to speak at an early childhood conference, training, or organizational event. She can support your planning and continuous quality improvement processes as you set and reach new goals. Please connect with Dr. Masterson directly on the contact page.
2024, November 7. "Pick Me UP!" Strategies to Elevate Your Impact: Insights and Tips from DAP to Strengthen Infant and Toddler Teaching. Also:
2024, October 24. Seeing New Possibilities with DAP: Supporting Infant and Toddler Teachers with Strategies for Success, Springfield, IL.
2024. June 3: Shifting to an Equity Lens; Strengthening and Supporting Infant and Toddler teaching with Developmentally Appropriate Practice. NAEYC Professional Learning Institute, New Orleans, LA.
2024, June 2. Looking at Leadership with a New Lens: Applying Leadership Essentials to Energize and Strengthen your Professional Impact. NAEYC Professional Learning Institute, New Orleans, LA.
2024, February 8. Leadership Connections, Supporting Programs in Continuous Quality Improvement. McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership, Wheeling IL.
2023, November 14 -18. NAEYC Annual Conference. "Updates to Whole Leadership: Responding to Voices in the Field" and "Shifting Mindsets and Overcoming Challenges with Developmentally Appropriate Practice: Focus on Infant and Toddler Teaching." Nashville, TN.
2022, June 11-15. (Featured Session) National Association for the Education of Young Children Professional Learning Institute. Featured Speaker: "Developmentally Appropriate Practice with Infants and Toddlers: Taking Ideas to Impact." Cleveland, OH.
2022, April 27. Leadership Connections, McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership. "Recognizing and Removing Barriers to Equity: Growing the Heart of Anti-Bias Leadership."
2020, July 9. BUILD QRIS National Conference. "Balancing Assessment, Evaluation, and Coaching with Access, Equity, and Inclusion." Orlando, FL.
2020, June 18 -19. (Keynote) College of Charleston Early Childhood Summit. "Playing for Keeps: Discovering the Joy and Purpose in Playful Learning." Charleston, SC.
2020, June 7-10. NAEYC Professional Learning Institute. "Empowering Toddler Teachers to Create Meaningful Spaces, Places, Planning, and Play." New Orleans, LA.
2019, October 28. (Keynote) Wyoming Early Childhood Professional Learning Collaborative Facilitators Training. "Whole Leadership: Energizing and Strengthening Early Childhood Programs through Powerful Coaching." Casper, WY.
2019, November 15 and December 13. University of Wyoming ECHO in Early Childhood. "Whole Leadership: Energizing and Strengthening Your Early Childhood Program." Virtual Training.
2019, December 5. New York Department of Education. "Prime Time Teaching: Preparing Lesson Plans to Maximize Learning." Albany, NY.
2019, June 2-5. NAEYC Professional Development Institute, Long Beach, CA.
2019, March 15-16. (Keynote) "Leaving Your Legacy." Indiana Association for the Education of Young Children, Indianapolis, IN.
2019, February 23. Oak Park Symposium. "Building the Strengths of Rambunctious, Fabulous, Toddlers." Oak Park, IL.
2019, February 1. Ready, Set, Teach! "Leadership Essentials: Energizing and Strengthening Your Early Childhood Program." Chicago, IL.
2018, November 14-17. "Powerhouse Positive Guidance for Toddlers." National Association for the Education of Young Children Annual Conference, Washington D.C.
2018, October 18-20. "Using ECERS-3 for Quality Improvement and Let’s Talk Toddlers." Illinois Association for the Education of Young Children Growing Futures Peoria, IL.
2018, October 5. (Keynote) "Building Your Strengths: Impacting the Profession." Iowa Association for the Education of Young Children, Des Moines, IA.
2018, August 2. "Energizing and Strengthening Teaching with Leadership Essentials: Activating Your Personal and Interpersonal Skills for Greater Impact" Ready, Set, Teach! Chicago Public Schools. Chicago, IL.
2018, July 27-28. (Keynote) Making Each Moment Count: Strengthening Your Legacy of Influence. Focus on Family Child Care Conference, Auburn University, Auburn, AL.
2018, June 10-13. (Featured Session) "Powerhouse Positive Guidance: Turning Around Behavior Struggles and Empowering your Most Rambunctious, Challenging, Sensitive, and Vulnerable Toddlers with Competence for Success." NAEYC Professional Development Institute Featured Session, Austin, TX.
2018, June 20. "Whole Leadership." National Association of Family Child Care, Chicago, IL.
2018, June 20. "Powerhouse Positive Guidance for Family Childcare Professionals." National Association of Family Child Care, Chicago, IL.
2018, May 22. "Leadership Essentials: Energizing and Strengthening your Early Childhood Program." Leadership Connections, Wheeling, IL.
2018, February 2. "101 Principles for Positive Guidance: Powerhouse Strategies for Behavior Success." Opening Minds, Chicago, IL.