Equitable and Joyful Learning with Infants and Toddlers
New Release!! This volume from NAEYC is an excellent guide to developmentally appropriate practice (DAP) in early childhood education. It...

NAEYC Releases the Fourth Edition of Developmentally Appropriate Practice
Marie Masterson is a contributing author and editor of the new release from the National Association for the Education of Young Children....

Playing for Keeps: Discovering the Joy and Purpose in Playful Learning
Remember the way play shaped your life, your sense of purpose and your ways of being? Explore how early play experiences are central to...

Best Streaming Shows for Kids According to Child Development Experts - NY Magazine Interviews Marie
Marie Masterson interviewed by Liza Corsillo - The Strategist - New York Magazine. Best Streaming Shows for Kids According to Child...

There is Not a Lion: Managing Social Isolation While Caring for Children
During this challenging time of adjusting to many new realities, check out these tips for manaigng social isolation while caring for...

Marie Masterson Featured in New York Magazine with Tips for Social Isolation
Managing work and children at home during social isolation? Marie Masterson shares how to make the most of this time.

University of Wyoming ECHO Webinar: Moving Learning Forward
The Exploring Pedagogical Leadership - Moving Learning Forward webinar was presented to Wyoming early childhood professionals seeking to...

New York State P-3 Professional Learning Series Features Serious Fun
The New York State Education Department Office of Early Learning, P-3 Professional Learning Series featured Miriam Beloglovsky, author of...